Jonathan Abraham, Associate Professor

Molecular biology, immunology, and structural biology

Thomas Bernhardt, Professor

Bacterial genetics; mechanism of cell division and regulation

Lee Gehrke, Professor

Emerging viruses; rapid virus detection technologies

Sophie Helaine, Associate Professor

Salmonella persisters during infection and bacterial growth control

Darren Higgins, Professor

Host-pathogen interactions: intracellular bacterial pathogens

Ann Hochschild
Ann Hochschild, Professor and Chair

Bacterial genetics; mechanisms of transcription and bacterial prions

Marco Jost, Assistant Professor 

Molecular mechanisms of host-microbiome interactions

David Knipe
David Knipe, Professor

Molecular biology of herpes simplex virus; viral vaccines

Aleksandar Kostic, Associate Professor

Microbiome-immune system interactions

Philip Kranzusch
Philip Kranzusch, Professor

Enzyme biochemistry and innate immune signaling

M Leger-Abraham
Mélissa Léger-Abraham, Assistant Professor

Parasitic protein synthesis; structural and molecular biology

Stephen Lory
Stephen Lory, Professor

Bacterial pathogenesis: genomics

John Mekalanos, Professor

Protein chemistry and bacterial genetics

Jeffrey Moffitt, Assistant Professor

In situ single-cell ‘omics in the microbiome-gut-brain-axis

Max Nibert, Professor

Reoviruses and rotaviruses

Silvi Rouskin
Silvi Rouskin, Assistant Professor

RNA viruses and RNA-structure based gene regulation in disease

David Rudner
David Rudner, Professor

Cell envelope biogenesis in gram-positive bacteria; entrance/exit from dormancy

Aaron Schmidt, Associate Professor

Protein engineering, antibody evolution and small-molecule discovery

Joseph Sodroski, Professor

Human immunodeficiency virus entry into host cells; HIV

Michael Starnbach, Professor

T-lymphocyte responses to bacterial pathogens

Suzanne Walker, Professor

Chemical biology applied to microbial systems

Shira Weingarten-Gabbay
Shira Weingarten-Gabbay, Assistant Professor

Decoding viral genomes; translational control and viral immunology


Affiliate Faculty

A Balazs
Alejandro Balazs, Assistant Professor

(The Ragon Institute)

Engineering immunity to dissect host-pathogen interactions

A Barczak
Amy Barczak, Assistant Professor

(Mass General Hospital)

Pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in cells and tissues

D Barouch
Dan Barouch, Professor

(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)

Immunology and virology of HIV-1 infection, vaccine strategies

F Batista
Facundo Batista, Professor

(The Ragon Institute)

B cell activation and antibody production

M Baym
Michael Baym, Assistant Professor

(HMS Department of Biomedical Informatics)

Microbial evolution, antibiotic resistance, and phage

S Calderwood
Stephen Calderwood, Professor

(Mass General Hospital)

Immune responses to enteric infections, microbial pathogenesis

H Cantor
Harvey Cantor, Professor

(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)

Development and function of T cells

I Chiu
Isaac Chiu, Professor

(HMS Department of Immunology)

Neuro-immune mechanisms of pain and inflammation

J Cunningham
James Cunningham, Associate Professor

(Brigham and Women's Hospital)

Leukemogenic Retroviruses

R Dolin
Raphael Dolin, Professor

(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)

Development and clinical study of candidate HIV vaccines

M Dong
Min Dong, Associate Professor

(Boston Children's Hospital)

Bacterial toxins, protein therapeutics, and host-pathogen interactions

S Dougan
Stephanie Dougan, Assistant Professor

(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)

Mouse models of anti-tumor immunity

S Dove
Simon Dove, Associate Professor

(Boston Children's Hospital)

Virulence gene expression in pathogenic bacteria

J Dvorak
Jeffrey Dvorin, Associate Professor

(Boston Children's Hospital)

Molecular pathogenesis of human malaria infection

A Engelman
Alan Engelman, Professor

(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)

Retroviral DNA Integration

S Fortune
Sarah Fortune, Professor

(Harvard Chan School)

Mycobacterium tuberculosis pathogenesis

R Franklin
Ruth Franklin, Assistant Professor

(Harvard Department of Stem Cell and Regenerative Biology)

The immune system beyond host defense

D Gabuzda
Dana Gabuzda, Professor

(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)

HIV Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis

B Gewürz
Benjamin Gewurz, Associate Professor

(Brigham and Women's Hospital)

Epstein-Barr virus replication, pathogenesis and cancer biology

M Gilmore
Michael S. Gilmore, Professor

(Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary)

Multidrug resistant enterococci, streptococci, staphylococci

M Goldberg
Marcia Goldberg, Professor

(Mass General Hospital)

Molecular mechanisms of intracellular bacterial infection and innate immune responses

S Gopinath
Smita Gopinath, Assistant Professor

(Harvard Chan School)

Host-pathogen interaction modulated by the microbiota

P Howley
Peter Howley, Professor

(HMS Department of Immunology)

Molecular biology of the papillomaviruses

J Huh
Jun Huh, Associate Professor

(HMS Department of Immunology)

Bacteria, immune cells and neurodevelopment

R Jackson
Ruaidhrí Jackson, Assistant Professor

(HMS Department of Immunology)

Mucosal Immunology and Protein Translation During Inflammation

Sizun Jiang
Sizun Jiang, Assistant Professor

(Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center)

Systems Biology, Tissue mechanisms of microbe-host interactions, Spatial-omics

J Kagan
Jonathan Kagan, Professor

(Boston Children's Hospital)

Regulation of Toll-like receptor signaling

D Kasper
Dennis Kasper, Professor

(HMS Department of Immunology)

The interaction of bacteria with the immune system

Jérémie Le Pen, Assistant Professor

(Harvard Chan School)

Innate immunity to RNA viruses

J Lemieux
Jacob Lemieux, Assistant Professor

(Mass General Hospital)

Red blood cell parasites, tick-borne diseases, and respiratory viruses

C Lesser
Cammie Lesser, Associate Professor

(Mass General Hospital)

Gram-negative bacterial pathogenesis

R Nowarski
Roni Nowarski, Assistant Professor

(Brigham and Women's Hospital)

Tissue regulation of immunity and inflammation

G Pier
Gerald Pier, Professor

(Brigham and Women's Hospital)

Bacterial pathogenesis and vaccine development

S Rabkin
Samuel Rabkin, Professor

(Mass General Hospital)

HSV Vectors for Cancer Therapy

L Rahme
Laurence Rahme, Professor

(Mass General Hospital)

Multi-Host Bacterial Pathogenesis

S Rakoff Nahum
Seth Rakoff-Nahoum, Assistant Professor

(Boston Children's Hospital)

Understanding host-associated microbial communities

E Rubin
Eric Rubin, Professor

(Harvard Chan School)

The molecular pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

A Sharpe
Arlene Sharpe, Professor

(HMS Department of Immunology)

Regulation of T-cell Mediated Immune Response

U von Andrian
Uli von Andrian, Professor

(HMS Department of Immunology)

Leukocyte trafficking; intravital microscopy; host-pathogen interactions

M Waldor
Matthew Waldor, Professor

(Brigham and Women's Hospital)

Evolution, cell biology, and pathogenicity of Vibrio cholerae

B Walker
Bruce Walker, Professor

(The Ragon Institute)

Mechanisms of immune control in HIV infection

P Watnick
Paula Watnick, Professor

(Boston Children's Hospital)

Host-pathogen/commensal metabolic interactions

M Wessels
Michael Wessels, Professor

(Boston Children's Hospital)

Molecular basis of streptococcal infections