
Community Values Statement

As microbiologists, we recognize that diversity is key to a successful community.  The evolutionary success of microbes depends on diverse growth strategies encoded by individual bacteria, fungi, parasites, or viruses that enable them to thrive in a multitude of different environments. Likewise, community-level diversity is critical for a healthy ecosystem and provides resilience to external stresses and environmental fluctuations. 

These principles are equally true for human communities. Our department values and celebrates individual diversity including sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sex, national origin, and immigration status. We are committed to acknowledging and addressing social issues in science. We recognize that it is our responsibility as scientific leaders to develop and support actions that nurture a diverse community of individuals dedicated to promoting excellence in science through education, research, and service. 

Please peruse our Community Building pages to learn more about initiatives that we have taken to promote excellence and equity in science

Read more about Harvard’s Diversity Statement here

We are always looking for content; if you have anything you would like to see on these pages, please email the Micro DEI social media team

Any members of the Microbiology community who are interested can join the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Working Group by contacting us at